مناقشه اسراييل- فلسطين، مساله اعراب است نه ايران
برام مثل روز روشنه که اون روزی که فلسطینی ها یه ذره روی پای خودشون تونستن وایسن اولین کشورهایی که ازشون به خاطر خون دل خوردنشون اینهمه سال تشکر میکنن اعراب سوسمار خور هستن و اولین کشوری که تف میندازت تو صورتش ایران
1 comment:
I think it is superficial to think so. Palestine wrangle is the problem of whole world like Darfur like Iraq.... I know if the mount a real governement they will forget all this and Iranian authority are intervening in the peace process. but somtimes we forget that we are all human made by a one night lasting passion. So what is the prerogative that is absolutely nothing. Also about Arabs I am not intersted to but actually they have nothing to do with us. that is our religious belives even before Islam that made us ristricted. Take a panaromaic view on an arabs life what is the difference between his life before and after Islam??
NOthjing absolutely nothing but what about us we were religious before and after. WE had the greatest religious massacre in ancient history (about Mani). Consider the view it may be a new aspect. I found ur page intersting and your comments wise so I decided to comment. If you have anything to declare my address is babakk_m@yahoo.com.
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